Are you angry, numb, hurt or wandering in a fog of emotional pain?
Do you long for peace, resolution, to be understood, a clear way forward, HOPE?
IDENTIFY & Map It! is your help for emotional struggles; a tool that will GUIDE you to understand complex experiences with PRECISION and WARMTH.
In these challenging times we need hard skills to help us understand our emotions and be able to PIVOT into warm connection with ourselves and with others.
I will train you to use IDENTIFY & MAP IT It using your own personal “juicy” “hot” and even the pleasant moments during interactions with others.
When you learn to map and understand your own experiences, you can Guess Map others with EMPATHY, helping to create warm community.
You’ll have a common language to talk about difficult experiences without defaulting into blame and accusation or the anguish of silent helplessness.
Deeply rooted in empathetic Nonviolent Communication, it’s the result of decades of teaching multinational clients, families, teen camps, youth service teams and workshop participants how to know themselves, calm their emotional storms, make clear decisions and move forward.
IDENTIFY & Map It workshops are offered online for groups of 12. Go to next Tab to register.
Reported Outcomes: from previous training
I finally understand why I think the way I do.
Even thinking about mapping when I’m hurt or angry starts clearing my mind.
I’m not blaming others so much now.
I thought paying attention to my own thoughts and feelings was selfish, but all those painful feelings just kept building inside me.
I finally have the words to explain my feelings, beliefs, and thoughts to others so they can understand me. I didn’t know how much STUFF was built up inside.
I can figure out a plan to move forward when I map and my mind clears.
Yelling at myself (or others) isn’t my GO-TO strategy anymore.
I stopped reacting and judging and started listening to understand.
I’m learning why some words or actions are triggers for me to feel strong emotions.
It was new to me to understand that I could allow my emotions to flow in. They are not going to hurt me. I can face, name, and acknowledge them.
By actively listening to myself I learned to really hear others and not shut them down.
MI taught me HOW to work though my own emotions BEFORE speaking
Previously Taught:
PD Day Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School
Senior Staff of the German-Canadian Care Home, Vancouver, BC
In-Person group of 35, members and community, Vancouver Church of Christ
Staff of the Kwom Kwom Lelum Family Reunification House (for the reuniting of Indigenous children to their birth parents) Vancouver, BC, 2020
Staff of HOPEww Philippines 2021-2022
Online group of 12, North America, March 2022
100’s of times with Clients, giving them language and a template to understand and explain self.
Upcoming: 1st training for the newly formed Mental Health Advocates for the Metro Manila Christian Church, Aug. – Nov 2022.
The next 8 HOUR training is offered in 4 sessions.
April 20, 27, May 4 & 11, 2022 11AM - 1PM Pacific Time
You will learn to to:
Understand and BE UNDERSTOOD
Bring PRECISION, compassion, understanding & WARMTH to difficult experiences
Find a path to PEACE in the midst of suffering
“I’m a counsellor specializing in communication, relationships and resolving grief and loss. With over 30 years of experience, I’m passionate about equipping people to solve their own problems. Looking forward to being with you.”